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from: Tobias Kaye

musical patterns in nature

do you experience natures forms as musical? looking at a Teasle head (Dipsacus sylvestris) the other day i was annoyed when a friend suggested that there was a Darwinian necessity for it\\\'s habit of flowering from centre, moving both upwards and downwards over a week or two. for me it seemed clear that this was a musical pattern, like a chord that spreads from one note through second, third and out towards the octave.

Walking the South West coast path I noticed that the tight and steep estuary villages of S.E. Cornwall steadily widen as one comes east into Devon. this is followed by Start Point and the huge shingle beach of Slapton. Far to the the East Portland Bill begins a west flowing pattern of long shingle beach followed by tight brook-valley villages becoming wider towards Exmouth. When I view that whole hundred mile spread in my minds eye it feels to me like a musical event, Variations on a theme.

I don\\\'t have google world but i suspect that it would show up there as a musical flow.

What do you feel about such patterns?

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